Protecting and Grounding your Energy


How to Protect your Energy in the Current Chaos

So much is going on in the world right now- it can feel so very heavy. The energy is intense and it seems like there are lots of things happening on the daily- one right after the other.

It’s all coming in so fast- with so many shifts- and most of us sense that this won’t be changing anytime soon.

The good news is that many people are opening up and looking at things they have never looked at before. That is really good. And it seems that we are all going through this collective transformation...but we are working through so much- which can be painful and overwhelming at times. Especially if you have a big heart and a compassionate soul.

If you are sensitive, an empath, or intuitive, we can definitely be walking around absorbing some, or all the energy that is whipping around, and this energy can end up manifesting into physical, mental and emotional imbalances. 

I am really seeing it with clients right now. And definitely seeing is that this is manifesting into a lot of physical issues such as more headaches, digestive issues, anxiety, sleep problems, neck and back pain, and, the fatigue. 

And the number one thing that I am hearing everyone say- is that they are overwhelmed. 

So many of us are exhausted, wrung out and feeling all the feels. Which is normal for times like this. Most of what I hear is that there are good days and bad days- that we are going up and down. One of my clients said some days she feels perfectly fine- and some days she feels like she is totally losing her shit. Which makes perfect sense with what we are all collectively going through.

How do we navigate this new normal that is happening- and still be the best we can be in our responsibilities and the areas of our life?? How do we get beyond survival when everyone seems to be barely surviving??

Well, today I want to talk about something that helps my clients, and me, tremendously with all the intense energy that is all around us. And that is protection of our energy field. We can take steps to not let our energy be invaded or drained.

It takes a little focus and intention to do this, but the effects are so worth it.

There are many ways to protect yourself- but let's first talk about how the body works when it comes to energy of events and other people.

First off, the body’s number one goal is to survive. It doesn’t do anything for no reason. And it doesn’t think, rationalize or reason. It reacts. In order to survive. So it tries to keep you safe, right?? Those are our defense mechanisms when we feel a threat, how we compensate for the longest time until we can’t do it anymore, how we pull from other systems when one is in overwhelm. No matter what the situation, the body is always looking for homeostasis, that coming back into balance. 

All bodies can handle a lot. The difference between us, though, and other animals, is that we have a more developed conscious and subconscious mind. So what that means is when we have a threat or have been harmed...the body stores it in the background. It is not safe to do dot dot dot. So it doens’t mean that we don’t do those things, but if we do, our stomachs flip flop, our muscles seize, or our heart races. Our bodies remember that the situation is a threat for us and we should go cautiously- or sometimes, not at all.

Wild animals for instance- if they get attacked and aren’t killed, immediately go into hiding to let the system heal. They take about 20-30 minutes, and literally lick their wounds. Their bodily systems re-regulate. The adrenaline stops pumping, the heart and breathing slows down, their PH balances, they rest. Then after they are back to homeostasis- they go back into the field, or jungle, or forest and resume natural activity. They might be a little cautious in the same situation or not go to, say, the same place at the watering hole, but for all reasons, they are over it and back to normal.

The difference between them and us, though, is 1. We don’t take the 20-30 minutes to heal and 2. We go to our friends or family and say “holy shit, you aren’t going to believe what happened to me!” We replay our story, our trauma, and our system gets heightened again. Though it is no completely immersed in the same energy, it thinks it is somewhat happening to us again. We re-traumatize, and make more neural pathways of this trauma.

Okay- so that’s how a system works when it comes to the threat. Then down the line, if not brought up out of the subconscious and fully healed, it is like an open app on a phone, taking energy from the system keeping it at bay so we can maintain homeostasis. 

And that’s from one body, one set of experiences, and one life.

Now...add in all the information and content that we consume in a day.

The stories of the day, the tragedies, the drama from friends and co-workers, the netflix shows, and the soundbites of news and social media meant to hook us or elicit a response.

We are not reacting to SEVERAL systems’ worth of information rather than just one. We are in world situations, human interest stories, social justice situations- and our bodies think they are all happening to US. Crazy huh??

Our physiology doesn’t know how to balance this because it doesn’t get an answer. There isn’t a solution in any of these things, just more information and the next story. Everytime that we scroll, or talk to another person, or share drama, our system goes on alert and wonders how it is support to survive and protect you.

That’s a big reason why we feel like we are merely surviving right now. Because we are taking on a lot of things that are about the baseline of staying alive and getting through the day.

So do we just bury our heads and not tap into anything that is going on in the world around us? Well, I don’t think that is possible right now, especially because we all have to make decisions in what we are doing. With our health and wellness, with our families, our jobs, our living situations, our lifestyles. We are allll being forced to evaluate things and come up with new plans. This requires some type of education, no matter how you get your information.

So what can do we do in order to better protect ourselves- and still stay connected to the outdoor world?

Well….first off choose wisely. We only have so much energy to expend in a day. How we dole that out is partially in our control.

First- what can you eliminate?
What things are you able to let go of that take your energy- or make you feel like shit? What people, places you go, situations or events that you participate in- that are draining or take too much energy from you without replenishing or giving as much back?

Do you get information from sources that are inflamed? People and sources can come loaded with too much energy that invade your energy.

For instance, where you get information can be just as important as the information itself (not to mention that if you are coming from a place of fear rather than groundedness, we make completely different decisions, but that’s a story for another time…)

We let go of those first.

Next, we can minimize?

Can you become more efficient and decide how much and how often? We don’t need to be hooked into things all the time- we get to decide. Even though these things are meant to be addictive and pull you in, so don’t feel bad if you fall into it. But you can fight to get out and pick those systems that work best for you.

And then say you have someone who is more draining- but you can’t get away from them because you might, say, work with them. How can you minimize the interaction you have to have, or the amount of energy you are willing to put forth with them.

Then we manage-
After we choose to pick those things that feel “less threatening” that doesn’t tax us as much, then we can become mindful of when we start getting overwhelmed. We can pull back our energy, or leave the situation when we are getting signals from our body and mind.

Listen to your body- do you know your body’s signals of overwhelm and stress?

What does it need to feel safe, or at least safer?

Then after unhooking from these more draining sources, we can look at actually doing energy protection for ourselves. One of my favorite methods I use with my clients when they are still absorbing energy around them is the bubble technique.

We envision a permeable protective bubble around the silhouette of our bodies- which, if you know energy anatomy, it actually really seems to help people.

Before you go into the world, or have any interaction, think about a loving cover around you- it can be clear, or a color, thick or thin, more permeable, or maybe you need more of a fortress for a day. Maybe you need more protection around your heart or head, so you can adjust to make a bit more thick around these areas. Make sure you get under your feet and over your head.

I like to do this first thing in the morning if I know I need extra protection, or if you are feeling like things are starting to “get in” or on you.

So...if we start deciding where we want to engage, what we can avoid, and then what we can minimize and then learn how to manage this energy while we start protecting ourselves, we keep our energy contained, it doesn’t spill out, and then our body can work the way it was designed- and not manifest as many conditions that come from the overwhelm and burnout that we can all feel during these times.

I hope this gives you some great information to use and some empowering info that you have some say where your energy and how it is affected.

You are doing great and I am so damn proud of you- for showing up, and doing your work.

Please reach out on any of our social media platforms if you have any comments or questions. And keep taking great care of yourself. These times are interesting and we are still landing in where we are all supposed to be and how to navigate unprecedented times. We are in this together and here to support each other. Look forward to connecting with you next time! Take care of you.

Reaching out to the Teens...

Did you know I work with teenagers, kiddos and young adults? Yep, I always have. It’s always been a quiet thing- because it’s pretty sacred to me, and it’s wild how much we heal…

I’m not a mental health practitioner, so I felt like I wasn’t allowed in the beginning- but the work that we do that heals these young badasses is precisely the reason that I didn’t become a psychologist. Psychology couldn’t help me- and for so many kiddos, it’s not a complete treatment model.

I work with kids with anxiety, depression, self harming like cutting and bruising, sleep issues, trauma and abuse, eating disorders and body dysmorphia, learning issues, anger and defiance, behavioral issues, and physical issues like headaches, digestive disorders, auto-immune issues, menstrual problems, and more.

I get them. And I was/am them. I know how to heal this shit- and as long as they are willing- we get pretty fast results.

It doesn’t take the place of mental health treatment or Western medicine- but the healing is pretty amazing.

And our kids are suffering.

I work nationally. And am happy to be able to walk these kids through some hard shit- and have access to things that we didn’t have growing up. Its pretty incredible to watch it all unfold- and I could do it all day long.

Oh- and I must mention…there’s no fixing- because they aren’t broken, but I will work with your family to shift some things and get them the tools they need.

Check out the website for my FAQ’s to make sure your family is a candidate for the work, then feel free to reach out for an initial appointment. These kids are badasses- and deserve the support to live balanced lives. 💗🔥🙏

Do you “Fawn?”

Do you “fawn?” Recovering fawn-er here! 🤚🏼

So many sensitive peeps, intuitive peeps and empaths use fawning as a way to not “feel other people’s shit.” We shift the energy so it becomes more manageable- but to our own detriment.

These behaviors then become ingrained and they are hard to re-train. But we can do it…with mindfulness and practice.

Most of my clients do some of here behaviors. And while we don’t shame them (they are our “woobies” after all…), we do try to implement a healthier version of them…with grace.

Start small and safe- with maybe a boundary or standing up for yourself in an “easy win” kind of way. Just so your system knows that you won’t die (as one of my kick-ass clients states…) and it’s safe to do so. It won’t feel super comfortable- but shouldn’t feel like there is a lot at stake. And don’t worry if it doesn’t go perfectly. This shit takes time. Just like it took a while to get here, it might take a little while to re-train.

Celebrate your action. Have a friend you can process with. Journal. Shake it out of your body. Go for a walk. Let your system know that it’s safe to take care of you- and to not have to blanket your needs for everyone and everything else. One step at a time makes a journey complete…😉🥰❤️

You’ve got this, badass. I’m so damn proud of you! Let me know how it goes. 🔥🙏💕

The Challenge of the Spiritual Warrior


As we leave Afghanistan- and new young soldiers are ushered in, my heart hurts and my soul remembers. I seem to come back to the same theme- understand the dichotomy of these situations.
These sit on my dresser around a beautiful mermaid- to remind me. To guide me. To keep me focused. My dichotomy and the variances of this life…

Spiritual warrior is not an easy thing to be. Not now, not ever. One foot in the world of the soldier and protector, one foot in the world of the yogi and mystic. 

One hand on the earth, our literal boots on the ground…one hand raising to Spirit and and faith of the Gods. 

One shoulder carrying a M16/my AR15- a knife or bayonet in your belt- the other shoulder holds a meditation shawl, and prayers of peace, love, and no wars. 

Today- I will wear my Army dog tags and my meditation mala of 108 beads, reciting mantras for no harm done and protection for our men and women. Today- I will weep from a broken heart, while I simultaneously have a knowing it is all at it should be. That blood is to be shed. That we can’t hide from atrocities and polarization. That we can look away- but I wasn’t meant to…not this time around. 

My ancestors will carry me and provide me with strength- while we carry the next generation to war. Those scared shitless 18-22 year olds who have to go face the Taliban and ISIS- that I was trained to be. To hurt and be hurt by people who are innocent, who share the same hearts, and want the same things. 

I will hold them in my broken heart and strong Spirit. And I will never leave them. Not in this life. 

This yin. This yang. This dark and light. The observing and participating. Processing and numb- while alive and alert. 

Sending love to all of you- while we break and shatter- and transform and heal once again. May the Gods have mercy upon our souls. 💗🙏